WP Travel News DFY Site Access

STEP #1:
Install WordPress on your domain

STEP #2:
Install these two plugins on your WP site:
All In One WP Migration Plugin
All In One WP Migration File Extension

STEP #3:
Activate the plugin.

STEP #4:
Visit All-In-One WP Migration menu -> Import

STEP #5:
Import the .wpress file to All-In-One WP Migration -> IMPORT menu (drag the file to the upload section)
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Click Proceed until the import and file installation finish.

STEP #7:
Once the file installation is completed, visit any link on your WP Admin dashboard. You will then be asked to relogin.

To relogin, use these credentials -> Username: travelnews Password: travelnews!!

Installation is completed! Now you can customize the site.

STEP #1:
Go to Users menu -> Your Profile. Then change the default WP email address to your own email address.

Visit your email inbox and confirm your email.

STEP #2:
Go to Settings menu -> General. Then change the default WP email address to your own email address.

Visit your email inbox and confirm your email.

STEP #3:
Visit WP Automatic menu -> Settings.

STEP #4:
Locate the Ads Settings, and find this code: amzn_assoc_tracking_id = “yourid-20”;
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Replace yourid-20 with your own Amazon associate ID, both for the Top Ad Code and Bottom Ad Code.

Then hit Save Changes.

STEP #5:
Visit WP Automatic menu -> All Campaigns.

STEP #6:
Edit all campaigns, then set it to Publish.
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1. WP Automatic requires Purchase Code to autopost article.
2. New posts don’t show Image on Homepage.
3. WP Automatic Plugin not working


1) Download the latest version here:
2) Visit WP Admin -> Plugins, then deactivate WP Automatic from there
3) Delete WP Automatic plugin
4) Install and activate the latest version above from Plugins -> Add New -> Upload

After installation, my website doesn’t have featured post on the homepage?

Head over to Post -> All Posts, edit the post you want to be featured on the homepage, then click the “Featured this Post” option.

I want to change site logo, colors, etc?

Simple! Visit Appearance -> Customizer. Then you can change site logo, customize the site options, colors and many more.