Product Access
Hey there, thank you for having a business with us.
I'm Leo (BCBiz) the co-owner and I'm truly happy to have you here. You can access your purchase below and contact us anytime you have any questions regarding the product.
" There is no elevator to success, and never think to build one - because it much easier to just take the stairs. "
Powerful CloudWPHosting
Automated WP News Site might consume quite server resources and reduce your site load-speed if you host it in a low quality hosting such as Hostgator or Godaddy.
You can get 5x more server power without any recurring fees with our Cloud-Based WP Hosting below:
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NOTE: This site package requires a minimum requirements of PHP 7+ and WP 5.0+
STEP #1:
Install WordPress on your domain
STEP #2:
Install these 2 free migration plugin:
STEP #3:
Activate the plugin.
STEP #4:
Visit All-In-One WP Migration menu -> Import
STEP #5:
Download the Covid-19 Site Package here -> unzip the file. After you unzip it, you will find a .wpress file inside, then import that .wpress file from All-In-One WP Migration menu -> Import (drag the file to the upload section)
Click Proceed until the import and file installation finish.
STEP #7:
Once the file installation is completed, visit any link on your WP Admin dashboard. You will then be asked to relogin.
To relogin, use these credentials -> Username: covid19 Password: covid19site!!!
(if password incorrect, try to use covid19site2020!!)
Installation is completed!
Now you can customize the site..
STEP #1:
Go to Users menu -> Your Profile. Then change the default WP email address to your own email address.
Visit your email inbox and confirm your email.
STEP #2:
Go to Settings menu -> General. Then change the default WP email address to your own email address.
Visit your email inbox and confirm your email.
STEP #3:
Visit WP Automatic menu -> Settings.
STEP #4:
Locate the Ads Settings, and find this code:
amzn_assoc_tracking_id = “yourid-20”;
Replace yourid-20 with your own Amazon associate ID, both for the Top Ad Code and Bottom Ad Code.
Then hit Save Changes.
STEP #5:
Visit WP Automatic menu -> All Campaigns.
STEP #6:
Edit the existing Campaign, then click the Update/Publish button right away.
STEP #7:
Visit Appearance -> Customize.
STEP #8:
Visit Theme Options -> Header.
Then on the “Header ad setting”, replace the default Clickbank ID on the banner code with your own Clickbank ID (or you can replace the banner code with other advertisement code you want, EG: Adsense ads).
Then click Publish/Save button.
1.) WP Automatic requires Purchase Code to autopost article.
2.) New posts don’t show Image on Homepage.
3.) Anything related to WP Automatic issue
1) Download the latest version here:
2) Visit WP Admin -> Plugins, then deactivate WP Automatic from there
3) Delete WP Automatic plugin
4) Install and activate the latest version above from Plugins -> Add New -> Upload
Problem: I want to change site logo, colors, etc?
Answer: Simple! Visit Appearance -> Customizer. Then you can change site logo, customize the site options, colors and many more.
Problem: I want to customize the Homepage?
Answer: Visit Pages -> All Pages, then edit the Homepage with Elementor.
Problem: I can’t see any Amazon products or Clickbank banner?
Answer: Usually that’s because Adblocker on your browser, you can try to disable it.
Problem: How to Update to PHP 7?
Answer: I wrote an article about that:
Problem: The Covid-19 Stats Shows No Results or Stops Updating?
Answer: Be sure that your server is using PHP 7+
This WP News Site package utilizes our premium tools:
1.) PublishNews WP Theme
2.) Covid-19 Stats WP Plugin
Whenever those premium tools have a new version, you can download it below.
1.) PublishNews WP Theme
Initial Version: 2.0.1 (Download Initial Version)
Latest Version: 2.0.1 ( – no updates found -)
To update the WP theme, visit Appearance menu -> delete the current version of the theme -> then upload the new version of the theme.
2. WP Automatic Plugin
Download Latest Version:
To update the plugin, visit Plugins menu -> delete the current version of the plugin -> then upload the new version of the plugin.
3.) Covid-19 Stats WP Plugin
Initial Version: 5.0.0 (Download Initial Version)
Latest Version: 5.0.0 ( – no updates found -)
To update the plugin, visit Plugins menu -> delete the current version of the plugin -> then upload the new version of the plugin.
If you feel your path is more difficult than most people around you, that's because your calling is higher than them - and so does your reward.
A lot of information here, huh?
Yep building a WP niche site requires some work and knowledge.. But don’t worry, they’ll be just your warm up one day 😉
How do I know?
Well because I've started as a beginner - with no one to guided me and no tutorial, years ago I used to spend 3-4 days to build this kind of niche site. But now it takes less than 5 hours.
If you have any other questions please reach us to us at
Extra Premium DFY Niche Site
Visit our niche site collection here:
Pick 1 that you love the most and send out an email to me at with your choice, then I will send the access to you as soon as possible.
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"When you do the work to get 1 step closer to your goals, they go 1 step closer to you too. You're not working to meet your goals in their place, but to meet them in the midpoint - what you seek are seeking you."