20+ More DFY Smartphone Specification Posts
From your WP Admin Dashboard, navigate to Tools menu -> Import.
Select WordPress -> Install Now. After that click the “Run Importer” link.
On your “ArenaPhonePLATINUM” download file, open the “Platinum 1” folder. Then upload the “PhoneSpecsPlatinum” file to the Importer page. Then click the “Upload File and Import” button.
On Assign Author, choose “assign posts to an existing user” and enable the “Download and import file attachments” option. Then click Submit.
Alright DONE. You’ve just imported 20+ more popular smartphone specifications to your WP site!
Importing Featured Images
First, download this Platinum Featured Image XML File here
(HINT: right click the link, then select Save Link As).
Second, navigate again to Tools -> Import, then WordPress Importer.
Then do the importing again like the steps above, only this time import the “arenaphoneplatinum-featuredimages.xml” file:
On Assign Author, choose “assign posts to an existing user” and enable the “Download and import file attachments” option. Then click Submit.
Amazon Affiliate Button On Every Phone Specs
From your WP Admin Dashboard, go to Plugins -> Add New -> Upload Plugin.
On your “ArenaPhonePLATINUM” download file, open the “Platinum2-AMZButton” folder. Inside you will find a ZIP file named “arenaphone-platinum”
Upload that “arenaphone-platinum” file as a plugin to your WP site, then activate the plugin.
Once the plugin is activated, visit Settings menu -> APhone Platinum.
Then fill in your Amazon affiliate ID, Amazon country and call-to-action text for the button.
And DONE. All Phone Specs posts on your WP site will now have Amazon button below the product image.
1-Click Amazon Store Section
First, make sure you have installed the “arenaphone-platinum” plugin as mentioned on Platinum Feature 2.
Then from your WP Admin Dashboard, visit Pages -> Add New.
For the Page Title, it’s all up to you. Just make sure on Page Attributs -> Templates, select “AMZ Phone Store”.
After that Publish the page and DONE.
* Download Our Free Amazon WP Plugin *